Meeting, January 25, 2018

What a great meeting tonight! It was our Open House and Ben Cantu, candidate for Mayor of Manteca, was our special guest speaker.

Jim Prestwood gave a Toastamonial (Toastmasters testimony) about his experience with Toastmasters.

Ben spoke about the needs of the City of Manteca and what he would do as mayor to meet those needs. 

Jim Prestwood led Table Topics giving all in attendance an opportunity to speak for a couple of minutes with only a moments notice of the topic. Roman Neri, a first-time guest at the meeting, won the Best Table Topics award. Yeah Roman!

Roman Neri is awarded the Best Table Topics Speaker.

Angela Boykins was also in attendance for the first time.

We look forward to Roman and Angela returning as members.

Toastmaster: Wes Johnson
General Evaluator: Rick Santos
Speaker 1: Jim Prestwood (Toastamonial)
Speaker 2: Ben Cantu, mayoral candidate
Evaluator for Ben: Renee Fink
Table Topics: Jim Prestwood